Schutz vor Dekompressionsunfällen:
unnötigen Stress im Urlaub - tauche Sicher!
Infos von Euro-Divers Kanifinolhu/Malediven
prevent DCS: Avoid unnecessary Stress during your Holiday - Dive safe! |
The absorbtion of Nitrogen
in Your Body depends also on the following Cicumstances
Fatigue and/or
strain exercise during a dive
Dehydration of
the Body due to for ex: diarrhoea or overexertion from other sports
- mind that
you have to drink in the tropics 2,5 - 3 liters of water per day
Feeling cold
Older age
Illnes - also
motion- or seasickness
Injuries - also
old ones like fractures of arms or legs
Comsumption of
Alkohol - also on the evening before a dive
Being overweighted
Certain medications
Women: Taking
contraceptive pill or other homones
If one of this circumstances
concern to you, do the following:
Tell Your problem
to the divemaster/instructor
Don't use Your full
ND-Time - leave a rest of 5 Minutes
Ascend slowly, not
faster than 10 Meters per Minute
End Your dive with
a security Stop at 5 Meters for 5 Minutes
Plan Your repetetive
Dives shallower than 20 Meters
Inform Your Divebuddy
about your plan
Source: Infomations
of Euro-Divers Kanifinolhu/Malediven